Synthesis of Hyperbranched Poly(triazole)s by Click Polymerization and Exploration of Their Adhesive Applications

Provided is a high temperature-resistant metal adhesive containing hyperbranched poly(triazole)s synthesized by in situ azide/alkyne click polymerization. Also provided is a method for preparing the same adhesives by in situ click polymerization of azide and alkyne monomers on metal substrates. The method is optimized to get high adhesive strength at room temperature or elevated temperatures by analyzing the effects of monomer ratio, curing temperature and time, and annealing temperature and time. The hyberbranched poly(triazole)s adhesive has comparable or better temperature resistance compared with known high temperature epoxy metal adhesives, and it is the first high temperature metal adhesive using hyperbranched poly(triazole)s prepared by in situ azide/alkyne click polymerization.


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