Triaroylbenzene-Based Branched (Co)Polymers

The present invention relates to a novel process of preparing branched polymers by cyclotrimerization and branched organic materials containing triaroylbenzene moieties as base structural unit. The polymerization is a simple one-pot reaction, strictly regioselective and highly functionality-tolerant giving oligomeric and polymeric polymers with high degree of branching (up to 100%) in high yields (up to 99%). The polymers are processible, easily film-forming, transformable (curable) into thermosets by heat or irradiation, and readily crosslinkable by UV irradiation to give patterns with nanometer resolution. The polymers of the present invention can be blend with a variety of macromolecules for general use. The polymers can be metallified utilizing organometallic acetylene as building blocks and ceramization of the patterns of the obtained polymers afford ferromagnetic ceramic patterns with high resolution.


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